Learn By Doing

The University of California 4-H Youth Development Program serves youth and teens, ages 5-19, in  California through traditional clubs, after-school programs, state-wide leadership conferences and camps.

As the largest, non-profit youth organization in the country, 4-H has a proven history of making lasting change in the lives of young people. At 4-H (Head, Heart, Health, Hands), your child will build positive, healthy relationships, learn invaluable life skills, and grow into a competent, caring citizen.  4-H’ers are actively engaged in their communities and our programs develop strong future leaders. 

Contact us

San Mateo County 4-H Website

Upcoming General Meeting

February 5th

Dress up: wear red, pink, purple, or white

Donate: 1-2 Dozens store bought cookies for making cookie bags.

Valentine's Day Cookie Pass out  2/8

(see Club Events for details)

The University of California Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources (UC ANR) is an equal opportunity provider. 

Website designed by 4-H Web Design Project Youth Members. Photo contributions by 4-H Youth Members and Families.

©2019 University of California 4-H Youth Development Program. All rights reserved. The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707.